Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give,
not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Our church's ministry is funded through the generosity of members and friends of the congregation. Are you willing to help us continue to grow? Gifts to support the church's ongoing mission and ministry can be directed to the funds below:
General Fund
This fund supports the ongoing mission and ministry of the congregation. It covers items as diverse as ministry and program supplies, routine building maintenance, staff compensation, and general operating expenses. This is also a flexible pool of funding to support new ministry initiatives.
Pastor's Discretionary Fund
A small fund to support basic and emergency human needs such as gas cards, rent assistance, and car repairs. Available by confidential consultation with the pastor.
Planned Capital Expense Fund
These are funds to support future and planned expenses for our church building and property. These expenses include roof and furnace replacements.
Reed-Smeaton Outreach Fund
This fund was created in 1999 to support the church’s Outreach and Scholarships initiatives. Some of the allocations have been made to the following:
- Church youth attending a UCC camp
- Youth attending UCC’s General Synod
- The Road Home Dane County – families experiencing homelessness
- Financial support for McFarland area residents in need
- Scholarships for UCC graduating seniors
- Support for our Wisconsin UCC camps stressed by the COVID pandemic
- Recent commitments have been made to the following:
- NION – up to $5,000 for support of an immigrant family
- Haiti student - $13,400 over 10 years starting in 2022 for education 7th grade through university
UCC Special Offerings
We are a '5 for 5' congregation in the UCC. That means we support wider church's programming:
- One Great Hour of Sharing
- Strengthen the Church
- Neighbors in Need
- Christmas Fund
- Our Church's Wider Mission (OCWM)
- One Great Hour of Sharing
- Strengthen the Church
- Neighbors in Need
- Christmas Fund
- Our Church's Wider Mission (OCWM)