How does the pastoral search process work?
As members of the Search Committee to find our church’s next pastor, we want to express our gratitude for the trust you have placed in us. We recently met with Rev. JoAnne Thompson, our Conference/Association Minister who will work closely with us. The purpose of this letter is to share with you a brief summary of the Search and Call process in the United Church of Christ and what to expect over the coming months.
- Thank you to everyone who filled out surveys. We will incorporate your ideas about new pastoral leadership into the “Local Church Profile."
2. Once the "Local Church Profile" is complete, our church’s vacancy will then be listed in “UCC Employment Opportunities” on the UCC website along with our church’s profile.
3. Persons interested, that have been authorized by the wider UCC church, can then apply. The Ministerial Profile includes information about the candidate’s educational background, experience, a detailed faith statement, eight written references, a background check form, and a criminal background check.
4. While the work on the Local Church Profile requires the input of many in the congregation, the names of candidates are held in strict confidence within our committee; we ask you to respect the essential confidentiality of this process. We will make every effort to keep you
informed—on a regular basis—about our progress. There is a poster detailing this process in the fellowship hall.
5. We will share our Local Church Profile with candidates, and we will begin to follow up with persons in whom we have particular interest.
The follow up will include telephone reference checks, telephone interviews, and requests for sermon tapes. While pursuing these steps,
we will also continue to evaluate new candidate’s profiles.
6. We will select a small number of candidates for personal interviews, following which we will make arrangements for our Search Committee
members to worship with them, most often in a church setting arranged by our Conference/Association office.
7. We will invite at least two candidates back for second interviews, following which we will seek God’s guidance and prayerfully make a
recommendation on a candidate.
8. If the candidate we recommend chooses to accept, compensation arrangements will be clarified, and a date for a “candidating Sunday” will
be established.
9. You will have an opportunity to meet the candidate (and family) that weekend in an informal setting as well as the formal worship service
where the candidate will preach. A congregational meeting following the worship service will offer each member an opportunity to ask
questions of the Search Committee, and to vote on the Call to our new pastor.
We are grateful during this time for the excellent interim leadership of Pastor Mike. We profoundly trust that God will guide both our candidates and the members of our Search Committee. We ask you to pray for us regularly. We are blessed with a wonderful church community; with hard work and God’s guidance, we will be blessed with a wonderful pastor to guide us as we minister in the name of Jesus Christ.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact [email protected]
3. Persons interested, that have been authorized by the wider UCC church, can then apply. The Ministerial Profile includes information about the candidate’s educational background, experience, a detailed faith statement, eight written references, a background check form, and a criminal background check.
4. While the work on the Local Church Profile requires the input of many in the congregation, the names of candidates are held in strict confidence within our committee; we ask you to respect the essential confidentiality of this process. We will make every effort to keep you
informed—on a regular basis—about our progress. There is a poster detailing this process in the fellowship hall.
5. We will share our Local Church Profile with candidates, and we will begin to follow up with persons in whom we have particular interest.
The follow up will include telephone reference checks, telephone interviews, and requests for sermon tapes. While pursuing these steps,
we will also continue to evaluate new candidate’s profiles.
6. We will select a small number of candidates for personal interviews, following which we will make arrangements for our Search Committee
members to worship with them, most often in a church setting arranged by our Conference/Association office.
7. We will invite at least two candidates back for second interviews, following which we will seek God’s guidance and prayerfully make a
recommendation on a candidate.
8. If the candidate we recommend chooses to accept, compensation arrangements will be clarified, and a date for a “candidating Sunday” will
be established.
9. You will have an opportunity to meet the candidate (and family) that weekend in an informal setting as well as the formal worship service
where the candidate will preach. A congregational meeting following the worship service will offer each member an opportunity to ask
questions of the Search Committee, and to vote on the Call to our new pastor.
We are grateful during this time for the excellent interim leadership of Pastor Mike. We profoundly trust that God will guide both our candidates and the members of our Search Committee. We ask you to pray for us regularly. We are blessed with a wonderful church community; with hard work and God’s guidance, we will be blessed with a wonderful pastor to guide us as we minister in the name of Jesus Christ.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact [email protected]