Leadership Teams: SaLT and Light!
Ministry Triads: How ministry happens
Examples of how this ministry model works
- A 4-person core leadership team - the Moderator, Vice Moderator, Treasurer, and Pastor - meets mid-month to discuss upcoming business, ministry efforts, and deal with any matters that can't wait until the next full meeting.
- SaLT (Servant Leadership Team) - is made of of the core team plus four additional people. Their regular team meeting is the fourth Sunday of the month. This is the main leadership group of the church, and fulfills the role that may be referred to as "Council" or "Consistory" in other churches. Their emphasis is not so much administration as vision and strategy.
- In addition to these roles, SaLT is charged with seeing that ministry teams exist to address the work of the church. We encourage broad involvement!
- Sometimes SaLT will recruit a team for essential ministries necessary to advance our goals. However, any person in the church who is interested in starting a ministry effort can put together a triad. We expect that you would recruit at least 2 other people who are willing to help your ministry initiative move forward.
- Pick up a "ministry idea" sheet at the bulletin board by the kitchen and use it to share a brief outline of your ministry idea. The questions on that page will be some of the questions leadership will be asking as they review the idea.
- Per our new plan, many ideas will be approved to move forward as long as they...
- Align with the Christian faith and the stated Faith & Covenant of this congregation (including our Open and Affirming commitment).
- Advances the current short- and long-term goals adopted by the congregation and its leadership.
- Do not create a substantial conflict with other church activities, nor require the investment of funds beyond what SaLT is authorized to provide.
- Ministry idea sheet turned in with at least one other person who has agreed to share responsibility.
- Simple ideas may move forward with little/no SaLT discussion, but more complex initiatives may have to wait for the next team meeting.
- Anyone can be involved - we think beyond membership! Friends of the church, your friends, adults, youth, children, members, former members, those who care about the issues at hand....there is no limit.
Care Packages for the Troops: A simple example of how this system can work Taylor expressed caring & concern for members of the military. We learned of someone from our church family who was soon to deploy to Korea. Taylor was willing to take on a lead role in getting a holiday care package together. She put together a ministry outline and recruited her mother, Donna, and a former member of the military, Mel, as her triad. We shared the mission opportunity for several weeks, and during and after worship people made homemade cards. Goodies and much-in-demand supplies like chapstick and foot warmers were donated. Between cash donations and materials, we were able to ship 3 care packages overseas to additional people we became aware of in the course of the project! There was no need for committee meetings or formal review by the leadership team, because the effort was small-scale and fit the broad outlines of ministry listed above. | I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change: A more complicated example Patrick approached Pastor Kerri about hosting a fundraiser for the McFarland Food Pantry. Because it involved rearranging our sanctuary over a period of weeks (impacting worship), possible expenses, and many hands, it was discussed at the leadership team level before getting the go-ahead. Ann was recruited to help with music. Jim and Jenny were recruited to help with a dessert reception. They recruited many additional people to provide food. Others connected with the church stepped up as ushers, stage crew, room setup, publicity, and program design. Patrick engaged his contacts in the theater community, building bridges between the church and the community at large. As we write this, it's dress rehearsal night, and one of three performances is already sold out! We'll have hundreds of people visiting the church, continue our longstanding support of the McFarland Community Food Pantry, and engage many people in hospitality & outreach ministry. |