The refugee, relief and development offering of the United Church of Christ - Working alongside our international partners, it transforms lives through health, education, agricultural, refugee and emergency relief initiatives in 138 countries. Our UCC churches raised more than $2.32 million in 2013 for OGHS.
"The UN’s World Food Program can’t maintain its programs. It needs $35 million a week to keep up. Most of these needs are created by man’s inhumanity to man. While many are also a result of natural calamities – Tornados, Hurricanes, Tsunamis, Floods, and Droughts.
"I believe that God is still speaking. "Feb. 22nd we prayed: 'Show us how to express the Kingdom of Heaven here and now, among us, and in the wider community.' "Mar. 1st Pastor Kerri ended her thoughts about the parable of the payment made to men working in a vineyard, "What if the economics of the Kingdom of God are based on hospitality? In that case, to what shall I compare the Kingdom of Heaven? . . . it is like the world-changing day in which we all take responsibility for one another. "
"This year’s OGHS campaign is based on the thoughts in 2 Corinthians 8: 13-15. I invite you to read it a couple of times – it is speaking to all of us."
1. I support my local Food Pantry for those with financial difficulties.
2. I support Dane Co. United Way and Salvation Army for the homeless and other social issues.
3. I support OGHS for World Wide relief.
"In 2013 our congregation was one of the top 100 UCC congregations that were recognized for their per capita giving to OGHS. That year we raised over $2,700. We should all be proud and with your help we can do it again. Will you join me in giving to OGHS?"
Mark your gifts OGHS or place them in the small envelopes that are available at church. If you'd prefer to give online, you can do so at