Walk the Extra Mile...

Brief yet profound, in the passage of Ruth we encounter the resilience of two women who have been widowed, as well as ravaged by the natural disaster of famine. These ecological and socio-political events rendered Naomi and Ruth the most vulnerable in their society. Just like refugees today, Ruth and Naomi did not have the privilege of choosing to stay in their homes, but were forced to relocate. Yet when the system failed them, Ruth chose solidarity with Naomi over despair and accompanies her to pursue a livelihood for both of them.
as they build new homes in strange lands."
Through the One Great Hour of Sharing offering, we, as the body of Christ, have opportunity and power to help those who are living in despair as refugees. If refugees had the choice to return home, many would not have a place to return because their home most likely has been destroyed - either burned, severely damaged, or still an unsafe place to live.
This year as you consider your gift to the One Great Hour of Sharing offering, for one moment, think of what it would be like to not have a place to call home, and then make your very best gift. Let us make Ruth's promise our own. Let us live out the call of solidarity with all people, especially those displaced by disaster, war and famine.
Thank you!