It's hard to avoid talking about politics these days. Have you found yourself struggling to be in civil conversation with a neighbor, friend, colleague, or family member in this highly charged political atmosphere? Many of us have, or know of, at least one relationship that has been strained because of polarized opinions. |
As people of faith we are called to attend to the vulnerable, in the name of Jesus. Because so many government policies directly impact the vulnerable, they come to the attention of people of faith. And yet, discussing our views on important social issues in all but the safest of our circles can leave us feeling unsettled. Sometimes we are the vulnerable, seeking comfort and hope. Sometimes we would prefer to sidestep the conversation altogether rather than risk offending another who may disagree. But as followers of Jesus we are called to seek a different way. We are called to step into places of discomfort (even our own) and add a blessing - to "insert love where there is no love," in the words of St. John of the Cross. This Sunday, February 19 at MUCC you'll be introduced to two new projects being launched, in collaboration with community partners, that will help bridge the divide. Please come. We think this work is tremendously important to our time. Peace & blessings, Pastor Kerri |